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Inspiring students to learn languages through football - find out what Barton Manor School organised for their students recently: www.


On 4 May, Barton Court hosted the largest post-COVID chess tournament, adult or junior, in East Kent... the Kent Megafinal. Read more at


All students have had an assembly from Porchlight in preparation for our big charity event 'The Big Sleep Out' in July. Find out more: The Big Sleep Out 2024 is not too far away! - Latest News - Barton Manor School


We are delighted to be awarded which recognises the value we place on music both within the curriculum and through extra curricular activities & events. Read more:


Late in March, students enjoyed our latest careers fair. Thank you to the local businesses and course providers for coming along to inspire our students. Read about the event at:


Pupils and staff at Barton Manor School have embarked on an exciting journey to gain a prestigious Artsmark Award. Find out more at:


Our fantastic school is recruiting more admin staff... have a look and see if something grabs your interest!


Y8 Students at BMS will also be attending...




We've recently begun a partnership with to provide students with greater access to the world of Performing Arts. For more information on the range of backstage and front of stage courses they run, have a look at


We are looking for a great DT Technician who wants to join our school and assist in a very supportive department. If you, or anyone you know, is interested in this role, please click the link below:


All students in Years 7 & 8 took part in an Anti-bullying Assembly by the local Police. They learnt about the laws, different types of bullying and the effects that bullying can have on others.


We want to make a difference to the homeless of Canterbury. We are in urgent need of some festive treats for our Porchlight Christmas Gift Box Appeal. Please see our website for ideas of what can be donated by 1 Dec. We need time to wrap and deliver! Thank you.


Another group of Y8 students visited last week to see the Crown Jewels, visit the White Tower and see Traitors Gate. They also attended a Protest and Rebellion workshop which they loved!


Our Bake Sale for Children in Need raised £215.30 which is amazing from just two year groups at BMS.


There's a real & growing concern re how many young people share inappropriate images online, leading to potential exploitation, blackmail & harm from a young age & leaving a lasting digital footprint. If you share it, you're involved. Speak to the DSL team if you've concerns.


Keeping Children Safe Online - a great poster for parents to share with their children.


Some Year 8 students at Barton Manor were pleased to head over to Barton Court and watch talks from the BBC Bitesize Careers roadshow last week. Students learned about a wide variety of career pathways in fashion, TV production and academia.


We are proud of our students, Moree, Shafin & Laila for putting themselves forward as advocates for the young people of Canterbury in the elections. If you are aged between 11-18 please show your support by voting online at by Friday 17 November


Students in Art made a poppy dress to commemorate Remembrance


Students visited the Memorial in Canterbury to lay a wreath on behalf of BMS for those who have fought for our country. Meeting Eric from the RBL enabled them to learn about the role of the Legion & ask questions about the memorial & the importance of Remembrance Day



After a big victory last match the Y7 football team were looking to continue their form. Unfortunately, this wasn’t the case in the 1st half with SLBGS leading two goals to nil. They fought back though & within the last 10 minutes won 3-2! Great fighting spirit & determination.


A fantastic performance by the Year 8 Football team yesterday. After failing to put away the chances in their last game, the Year 8’s finally found their shooting boots securing a 7-1 victory against St Anselm's School. The team should be proud of their performance.

Barton Manor School Excels at IET Faraday Challenge Day

Posted on: 06/02/2024

Barton Manor School Excels at IET Faraday® Challenge Day

In an inspiring display of innovation and teamwork, six Year 8 students from Barton Manor School recently participated in the prestigious IET Faraday® Challenge Day held at St Edmund's School. This event, recognised for encouraging young minds to explore and innovate within the realms of engineering and technology, saw our students dive headfirst into a complex engineering challenge, presented by the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET).

The Challenge: A Test of Ingenuity and Skill

The IET Faraday® Challenge Days are unique opportunities for students to engage with real-world engineering problems, requiring them to research, design, and create prototype solutions under the constraints of time and resources. This year, the challenge was made even more intriguing through a collaboration with The Rees Jeffreys Road Fund and National Highways. Keeping the details of the challenge under wraps until the day of the event ensured a level playing field, as all teams were unaware of the specifics and had to think on their feet.

Barton Manor School's Approach: Creativity Meets Strategy

Our team, comprising of six diligent and inventive Year 8 students, embraced the challenge with enthusiasm and a strategic mindset. The problem set for this year's challenge required not only a deep understanding of engineering principles, but also creativity, teamwork and effective communication. Our students, guided by these values, developed an impressive prototype that showcased their ability to apply theoretical knowledge to practical problems.

Presentation Under Pressure

One of the most daunting aspects of the challenge was the presentation of their final prototype in front of a panel of experts. Our students rose to the occasion, demonstrating not only their engineering prowess, but also their ability to communicate complex ideas clearly and confidently. Their presentation was a testament to their hard work and the comprehensive preparation they had undertaken.

Competing Among the Best

The IET Faraday® Challenge Day is highly competitive, drawing in talented teams from various schools. Despite the stiff competition, the Barton Manor School Team gave an outstanding performance, proving that they were among the best young engineers in attendance. Their prototype was not just a solution to an engineering problem, but a reflection of their ability to collaborate, innovate and think critically under pressure.

Looking Ahead

The experience gained from participating in the IET Faraday® Challenge Day is invaluable. It has not only bolstered our students' interest in engineering and technology, but has also equipped them with skills that are crucial for their academic and personal development. The challenge has sparked a desire among our students to explore further the possibilities that a career in engineering can offer.


The participation of Barton Manor School in the IET Faraday® Challenge Day was a resounding success. It was an opportunity for our students to shine and for our School to take pride in our achievements. As we look forward to future challenges, we are inspired by the potential of our young engineers and the innovative solutions they will undoubtedly contribute to the world.

Stay tuned for updates on our students' continued achievements in the realm of STEM education.


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